Pray for all evangelists supported by Open Doors local partners in Central Asia (slegs in engels)
Open Doors local partners faithfully support the Church in Central Asia in their evangelism efforts. Open Doors local partner Timur* explains, “We find active local evangelists and we support them. We believe that the Church will be stronger when they have more people joining, and when the Church does outreach it becomes healthy and stronger.
“We encourage them to do this, we provide them with tools, with books, with audio, video – whatever is needed. Even bicycles! If they need to reach remote villages, we provide bicycles. If they need anything else, we consider any proposal which will bring fruit.”
Timur* shares a story of one evangelist who went to share the Gospel in a village, but at first, he was met with opposition. “There was a guy, a very strong traditional Muslim, and he came and said, ‘You should stop, and you should leave my village and never come back, otherwise you will have a problem.’ Our brother started to talk with him, and during this conversation, the guy says to our brother, ‘You know what, if your God is so powerful, can you pray that my wife who left me would come back?’
“And our brother said, ‘Yes, we will pray.’ And after three months, she came back! Now this guy is our brother, he accepted Jesus into his life, and they gave their own house in this village for events with children and they invited all their relatives to hear the Gospel.
“So, this is one of the cases of how God can act unpredictably, even through a bad situation, and make it good.”
PRAY: Praise God that He is using the bold witness of evangelists like this one to draw many to Himself. Ask God to bless the believers in Central Asia and give them boldness and courage as they reach out to others with the love of Jesus. Ask God to help Open Doors local partners to know how to best support our brothers and sisters in their evangelism efforts.
Support the work of evangelists across Central Asia by sowing a seed of faith for the persecuted Church. Click here to make a difference in their lives.
*Name changed for security reasons.