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Second bomb attack in two weeks rocks Mogadishu in Somalia

On 28 October 2017, Islamic extremists from Al-Shabaab bombed Mogadishu in Somalia, killing 27 people. The attack comes just two weeks after twin bomb attacks killed more than 350 people in the city.

According to an Open Doors contact, “The militants, in broad daylight, detonated a car bomb outside the hotel where politicians were set to meet, before storming the hotel, taking hostages and killing people. Many children are among the dead.”

We were informed that several Christians have died in the attack and eight others are missing.

A Somali believer said, “These latest attacks have deeply affected the citizens in general. Hope was slowly returning to the country. We could walk around parts of the city at night, shopping, but now fear has returned. Please pray for us.”

Please pray for comfort for all those affected by both attacks, and that the missing Christians will experience the Lord’s hand over them, and will be found soon. Pray that the Lord will turn these attacks, which Al-Shabaab have meant for evil, into good, using them to draw many to Himself.

Somalia is currently #2 on the Open Doors World Watch List of countries where persecution is worst.

Thank you for your prayers.

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