Sounds and scenes of an Easter filled with hope.
A risen Saviour who walks with us
“… We must walk from peril to peril. But everything is good. Why the crying, the terror, or the boredom? Christ is mine tomorrow and today. In Heaven soon, I will be all His; yes, everything is good.”
The powerful lyrics of this worship song from believers in Chad mean even more when you know what has happened in their communities and lives. They are grieving the loss of loved ones and displaced in relief camps after fleeing their homes when Fulani militants attacked their villages and killed more than 30 Christians.
Amid their pain, they continue to gather for prayer meetings and cling to the eternal hope that Christ’s sacrifice brings. Through their worship, we see the resurrection power of Easter – that we have a risen Saviour who walks with us in our peril and brings Heaven with Him.
Watch their worship below:
God will never leave
Throughout the world, our local partners have recently captured beautiful scenes and sounds of believers worshipping in (and despite) their suffering. And we’re sharing them below. As Easter Sunday nears, take time to listen to these songs and stories of your sisters and brothers who risk so much to live for Him. And be reminded that the same Jesus who fought for us on the cross and stands with our persecuted family does the same for you.
“… Jesus is the atonement, and His Word said He never forgets us.”
In southern Laos, after their community destroyed their newly built church, believers sang the promises of God, reminding themselves that even when they are hated by those around them, God will never leave them. And because of the sacrifice of His Son, they are not defeated.
Eternal life in Jesus
“I have decided to follow Jesus … no turning back.”
In Nepal, sisters Anisha and Anita sing the words familiar to many of us. Their story of persecution and relentless faith makes their worship even more powerful. When they trusted Jesus, their parents kept them under house arrest for six years, enraged by their decision to leave the family religion. Ultimately, the siblings were kicked out of their home for refusing to recant their faith.
“Despite going through all these persecutions, the reason for not denying Christ is [that] there is eternal life in Jesus,” Anisha says. “Only through Jesus can we receive life after death, and we can live. So I will never leave Jesus.”
An omnipotent King
“… You are the King of kings and Lord of lords. You are worthy to be worshipped by all.”
In Chiapas, Mexico, where Christians are caught in the crossfire of warring drug cartels that terrorise the region, this church continues to gather and worship – they do so even when more than 100 area churches have temporarily closed their doors due to escalating violence. Together, they proclaim that even amid violent power-mongers, they serve an omnipotent King who came down to earth to take our place on the cross and finish the battle.
Trust in Jesus to deliver His people
“… Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me, Your rod and Your staff protect and comfort me.”
In northern Niger, Christian women came together in praise after receiving Open Doors-supported trauma care. Where they live, Christians face the daily threat of extremist attacks and kidnappings. As they put the 23rd Psalm to music, they show us what trust in Jesus’s promise to deliver His people truly looks like.
Praise God that throughout the world, even in the darkest places for Christians, His people are following and worshipping Him no matter what – through extremist violence, mob attacks from their communities, family rejection and even organised crime. Their faithfulness to praise God and worship Him during pain offers beautiful reminders that because of Jesus’s victory over death, we, too, have life and the hope of Heaven.
“But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved” (Eph. 2:4-9).
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