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Tajikistan: Christian faces possible imprisonment

Sahat*, a Believer from a Muslim Background, was recently released after being arrested by a security service officer who pretended to be interested in learning about the Gospel from him.

The security service officer acted like a stranger and asked him about the source of the Gospel. Sahat answered the stranger by telling him that he can know more about Jesus from the “Injil” – New Testament. When Sahat took the book from his bag to give it to the man, he was immediately arrested when the stranger revealed that he is an officer of the security service.
Despite being released again, the situation remains serious as Sahat’s laptop and flash drive, which contains Christian material, as well as some printed Christian material was confiscated and is being searched by security services. They could find reasons to imprison him again, as well as Christians connected to him. Please pray for Sahat’s safety and the safety of the Christians he knows.

Tadjikistan is currently #35 on the Open Doors World Watch List of countries where persecution is worst.

Thank you for praying with Sahat!

*Name changed and representative image used for security purposes

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