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Still daring to share Jesus, thanks to you

Simply being a Christian carries risk in Iran, so imagine the danger facing leaders of the underground Church. Fatemeh* says your support keeps her going.

Ever since Fatemeh* first heard the Gospel, aged 20, following Jesus has been a journey of challenge, risk and danger. Neighbours can report people if they hear worship, Police raids deter people from keeping even a small Bible hidden at home. And over the years, one by one, pastors have fled the country. “We had become Christians, but we didn’t know how to live like one,” Fatemeh remembers. When protests broke out across Iran in 2021, following the death of a young woman in police custody, things became even harder.

Your support renews my spirit.

“The government sees our faith as a threat,” says Fatemeh, whose husband was jailed during the riots. “We live under constant surveillance and face different kinds of pressure. It’s a daily battle to keep our faith in such hostile conditions.”

Empowering leaders

Today, Iran is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a Christian. It’s a crime to be part of a house church and the constant fear of arrest and imprisonment takes its toll. But still Fatemeh dares to share Jesus – because of your faithful support.

Thanks to you, Fatemeh has attended conferences and training events outside Iran where her faith is strengthened. When at home, Fatemeh joins online Bible studies and prayer meetings so she knows she’s not alone. Your generous gifts and prayers empower this remarkable woman for ministry. “In every meeting, I feel the presence of God and the support of my brothers and sisters in Christ,” says Fatemeh. “It renews my spirit and gives me the courage to face each day.”

God and his people are with us!

Sharing Jesus
Now Fatemeh leads a small house church in Iran, where she encourages young couples to trust God. She visits hospitals to pray with patients and families and shares the Gospel. And she holds fast to Christ, despite her fears for her daughter Shirin*. “I am not afraid to lose my life for Jesus, but I wonder what will happen to my daughter without us,” says Fatemeh. “I don’t want to only speak about the love of Jesus, I want to love people the way Jesus loves me.” She added, “I share our experiences, how Jesus worked in our lives in the midst of persecution and through the challenges. We know persecution might increase, but we are not alone. God and his people are with us!”

Please pray

  • Give thanks for Fatemeh, and her incredible courage and faithfulness. Pray for her ministry and
  • Pray for Shirin, Fatemeh’s daughter, that she will know God’s peace and healing amid the
  • Ask that Christian resources and support will continue to reach Iranian house churches and
    believers who need it.

*Names changed due to the extreme risk.

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