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Middle East
Christian population
414 000 (13.7%)
Main religion
Main threats
• Islamic oppression
• Clan oppression

Total score






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There are two categories of Christian communities in Qatar – expatriates and converts from Islam. They are separate from each other and must be careful when interacting.

Most Christians are expatriate believers. They tend to be migrant workers and enjoy a degree of religious freedom. Large worship events have been allowed in the past, but a major issue remains a shortage of space for churches, with only a select number allowed to establish buildings at the official Religious Complex outside the capital, Doha. However, foreign Christians must be very careful when sharing their faith, as evangelising Muslims is strictly forbidden and can lead to prosecution and deportation.

Converts from both Qatari and migrant backgrounds can face intense pressure from their families and communities for choosing to follow Jesus, although the latter can avoid this by living within an international community rather than their own ethnic one. For Qataris, conversion from Islam to another religion is forbidden, and those known to be Muslims aren’t even allowed to enter a church.

Meet a church leader

“We already see the move of the Holy Spirit in Qatar. God is visiting people in their dreams. God is doing miracles. God is doing healings among the Qatari people.”

A church leader from Qatar.

What does Open Doors do to help?

Open Doors supports the Body of Christ on the Arabian Peninsula by organising prayer, distributing Scripture resources, and training believers and pastors.

Please pray

  • Praise God that expatriate Christians in Qatar can worship relatively freely.
  • Pray for strength for secret believers under pressure from their families and communities.
  • Pray that God will open the hearts of the authorities so that Qataris can follow Jesus openly.

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