By agreeing to the terms of this consent form, I hereby voluntarily authorize Open Doors to process my personal information (including my name, credit card & banking details, physical address, telephone numbers & any other information I have provided to Open Doors). Processing shall include the collection, receipt, recording, organisation, collation, storage, updating or modification, retrieval, alteration, consultation, use; dissemination by means of transmission, distribution or making available in any other form; or merging, linking, as well as blocking, degradation, erasure or destruction of information. This consent is effective immediately & will endure until the relationship between myself & Open Doors has been terminated.
By agreeing to the terms of this consent form, I expressly consent to the processing of my information for marketing purposes and know & understand that by agreeing to same that I may receive marketing materials in the form of SMSs, emails and the like from Open Doors.
Open Doors requires your consent to be able to retain information about your religious beliefs & philosophies. By agreeing to the terms of this consent form, I expressly consent to the processing of information about my religious beliefs & philosophies, by Open Doors.
I expressly consent to the processing of my information for the purposes of receiving newsletters, fund raising information, educational packs as well as various other religious material and know & understand that by agreeing to the terms & conditions set out herein, that I may receive these materials in the form of SMSs, emails and the like from Open Doors.
Right to know what information is being kept, how that information is being used & when we will disclose that information – A copy of our Privacy Policy is available on our website, wherein all the above information is made available. You may wish to consult this before agreeing to this consent form.
Right to correct your details – Open Doors endeavours to keep your information up to date, should any of your details have changed please notify us of same so that our records are as accurate as possible.
Right to revoke consent – You may revoke your consent given to us in terms of this form at any time. Your revocation should be in writing and addressed to Open Door’s Information Officer. Revoked consent is not retroactive & will not affect disclosures of your information already made.
I expressly consent to the processing of my personal information by way of the trans-border flow of information. This will occur where personal information has to be sent to service providers outside of the Republic of South Africa for storage or further processing processes on Open Door’s behalf. We will not send your information to another country that does not have similar information protection legislation in place.