Believers from three different tribes in the Philippines attend a Biblical seminar
One of the major goals that local partners in the southern Philippines have for the believers in their nation, is to see Believers from a Muslim Background(MBBs) getting equipped and actively influencing their communities and society. This recent seminar gave Open Doors’ local partners hope for that goal, with 72 MBBs from three different tribes attending in one seminar.
On the 8th and the 9th of February 2022, a Leadership Enhancing Seminar was held in Southern Philippines and MBBs from three different tribes came together to learn and grow in their leadership skills so that they might implement what they’ve learnt in their own house churches. Most of these MBBs are actively serving in their church and in their communities.
These types of seminars and training are very effective, given the ongoing pandemic, as participants can learn how to lead even the smallest of groups. The event went on as planned with strict compliance to COVID protocols. The participants were very happy and encouraged to be able to gather with other believers again in person.
Faye*, one of the MBB leaders, has faced numerous challenges during the pandemic. Despite this, she continued to encourage the believers in her community by saying “Whatever happens, Isa Almasih (Jesus Christ) is there for you”. Faye is glad she attended the seminar, even though she lives on a different island.
Faye says: “I learned that I have to stand in the truth, especially when I am sharing the word of Isa Almasih with others.”
Praise the Lord for a successful training and biblical seminar. You can make sure that many other believers around the world receive the same type of training, click here to be an agent of hope and change in many believers’ lives.