• Organised corruption and crime
Recent news
27Central African Republic
Life in the Central African Republic (CAR) has been dangerous for more than ten years. A civil war engulfing much of the country began in 2013, with violence along both ethnic and religious lines. Christians are often caught in the middle: if they speak out against the atrocities committed by any of the warring factions, believers can be targeted, churches burned and entire communities displaced. Some of the armed groups also target Christians, so followers of Christ are caught up in conflict simply because of their faith.
Additionally, converts from Islam can face persecution from family members and the surrounding community. New believers can be ostracised, and violence has been used to pressure Christians to recant their faith.
Meet Pauline
“I ask the Church to pray for me so that I may find peace of heart. And that my faith be strengthened.”
Pauline, a mother in CAR who lost two children to a bomb blast.
What does Open Doors do to help?
Open Doors works through local partners to support believers in the Central African Republic with persecution survival training, economic empowerment projects and trauma care.
Please pray
- Pray that God will bring peace to CAR and healing for Christians traumatised by the civil war.
- Pray that God would protect His people from harm as they’re targeted by extremists.
- Pray for emotional, physical and spiritual healing of Christians who survived sexual assault by rebels.