Dear Friend of the persecuted Church,
This month, we’re honouring women in South Africa and all they’ve done for us and our society. We also remember and stand in solidarity with all those women who are marginalised, abused and ostracised.
Together with you, we want to especially remember our Christian sisters who are doubly vulnerable to persecution because of their faith and gender.
Let’s make sure this Women’s Month serves as a reminder that they may be persecuted but they are never alone.
That’s why we’ve changed the look of this newsletter to help launch the Never Alone Campaign. This campaign is your opportunity to draw closer to your persecuted brothers and sisters. And it’s a catalyst for us all – as the body of Christ – to draw closer to one another.
As much as you and I care, sometimes we may feel disconnected from our persecuted family because we can’t relate to all the extreme circumstances they face for the name of Christ.
But when we consider all things, what truly matters is that we serve the same God, the God for whom many of them are being rejected and isolated.
And maybe you can relate to feeling isolated or alone.
As a Christian, whether you live in a free country or a closed country, whether you are the most persecuted or the least persecuted, you have this wonderful truth to encourage you…
When you’re a part of the body of Christ, you’re never alone.
So join us as we reflect on, celebrate and spread the truth that believers may be persecuted but we are NEVER ALONE!
And let’s do all we can together through our prayers and support to reassure our persecuted family that they’re not alone, because God cares and we’re standing with them.
Together in His service
Jan Gouws
Executive Director
Open Doors Southern Africa
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