Water gives relief to our Afghani family!
During the month of Ramadan, we called on the Body of Christ in South Africa to pray for believers in Afghanistan. Thank you to all who downloaded the prayer guide and stood with us in prayer for Afghanistan. A total of 143 people stood in prayer for our family in Afghanistan.
The situation in Afghanistan is still challenging, but God continues to work in the lives of His people. Recently, we started a ministry on the border with Afghanistan in a Central Asian country. This is a very difficult and closed area for the Gospel. But by the grace of the Lord, we can serve in this region.
There are a lot of refugees from Afghanistan, with many of them hiding in deserted areas, without clothes, food and especially drinking water. Many of them can’t get water because of the effects of climate change and the terrain. Those who have at least a small income in the family can afford to buy water, but such people are very few. Basically, people drink rainwater and water from the river and ditches.
We prayed for an opportunity to help in this situation, and thanks to the Lord answering our combined prayers and with your help, we were able to realise our dream and the dream of many people in this region.
We started drilling 240 meters deep and found water there!
This path was very difficult, with many of those engaged in drilling not agreeing to this project because they weren’t sure that there would be water where we drilled. Besides, there was no equipment to reach such depths available. God-willing, one company agreed to help us and ordered additional special equipment to drill at such a depth.
For a month, the machine and three shifts of workers worked around the clock to drill and find this squash. And finally, a miracle happened…
After a month of work, we reached the desired depth and found water. Now, local residents and refugees from Afghanistan, our minister, his family and believing brothers and sisters will use this source completely free of charge!
Praise the Lord for providing for our Afghani family of faith!
Thank you for your gifts that have made this dream a reality. Now our family of faith can get much-needed water for daily use.
You can continue to help our family of faith living in foreign countries after fleeing war and persecution. In the same way you helped meet Afghani refugees’ need for clean water, you can help meet the needs of more believers. Your gift can help provide them with emergency aid kits, Bibles, medical care and so much more. So, if you’re able to give, please give to help our persecuted family survive the difficulties of persecution.