Jumagul has peace in her heart
When you hear Jamugal’s* story, the first thing that comes to mind is courage. In Central Asia, going against your traditional beliefs is risky. But that’s what Jumagul did, and not only that but today, she carefully but boldly and courageously shares her faith with others when she gets the opportunity, despite the risks.
Unfortunately, her courage has led to persecution from her village and, at one point, her husband after one of her relatives gave his life to Christ. But it has never deterred her from proclaiming the truth of the Gospel and says with gladness: “I got a peace in my heart. The peace that only God can give”. Her faith in action is honestly inspiring.
As a secret believer, Jumagul is fortunate to be able to share her faith in low key, personal interactions, as many secret believers must keep their faith completely hidden.
As you listen to her testimony, I pray that you’ll be encouraged in your faith, knowing that no matter what you go through, God is with you.
It’s inspiring to see secret believers like Jumagul gain the courage to tell others about their faith despite the dangers they face. It’s for secret believers like Jamugal that Open Doors partners risk all.
Brother Sam, who works with these believers, is thankful for your love and support.
“I want to thank all the believers around the world who’ve been helping these secret believers through prayer and through financial support. Whenever you remember the name or the word “secret believers” pray for them. By praying for them, you are strengthening the Church. We belong to one body in Christ. So, we have an obligation to pray for the secret believers,” says Brother Sam.
Thank you for helping these believers stand strong through persecution. Secret Believers are grateful for the prayer and financial support from around the world. They often report feeling the power of prayer when under pressure for their faith.
You can continue being there for our family in Christ by helping us reach them with discipleship, support and the Word of God. So, if you’re able to give, please prayerfully consider giving to help them stand strong in their faith and be salt and light in their communities.
*Name changed and face blurred for security reason.