God has been faithful to Kirti
Over the past two years, we shared about the courageous faith of Kirti* from India, whose husband was murdered by Maoist extremists for choosing to live for Jesus.
Back then, thanks to our partners, Open Doors was able to help Kirti with her hospital bills, food and providing safe shelter. Watch the video about what happened to Kirti:
Kirti is back in her village with her four children. She has also taken in her in-laws, who help her grow and sell vegetables.
Last year before the country’s lockdown, Kirti went to another village for work. While she was away, people in her village destroyed her crops.
“Some people from my village – those who always persecute me because of my faith – deliberately took their animals to my farm and fed them my crops, which I had sown… Because of that, I’ve faced lots of financial problems.”
To add to her problems, during the lockdown, she was among the believers who were denied food aid by those who oversaw the handing out of food rations.
Thankfully God has been faithful to her. Through your support, Open Doors local partners was able to continue standing with Kirti.
“The organisation has helped me a lot. They made a home for us, gave us clothes, utensils and rations… The work was stopped due to corona, yet the Lord didn’t allow our family to fall short in any way. In time, God fulfilled our every need. I didn’t face any kind of problem during lockdown. God is with me, and God fulfilled all my needs.”
The Lord has also been working in the hearts of her in-laws, who also persecuted her. “My father-in-law didn’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ… but I constantly prayed for his salvation. I thank God, for a few days now, he started believing in Christ.” And under lockdown, 10 new families in her village have come to know Christ.
Kirti is grateful for God’s provision, answers to her prayers and your prayers and support. Her prayer for you:
“Life-giving God, I thank you and pray for all those people who supported me in my difficult times. God, bless all of them, meet all their needs.”
Thank you for standing with our persecuted family across the world! Your help is a lifeline to many facing persecution and discrimination for the name of Christ. Today, if you’re able to give, please prayerfully ask the Lord how you can lend a helping hand to our persecuted family in the most dangerous places to be a Christian.
*Name changed for security reasons.
Gifts are allocated to where most urgently needed across the globe – thank you!