Video: You’re helping bring comfort and joy to persecuted families
For many people around the world, Christmas is a joyous time. But for many families in the persecuted Church, they’ve never celebrated Christmas because it’s illegal in their countries or dangerous.
It’s estimated around half of all persecuted Christians in the world are minors. If there are 250 million persecuted Christians, more than 100 million are below the age of 18.
We’re so thankful that many of these children and their families can experience some kind of comfort and joy amid persecution because of your prayers and support.
Through our “Christmas around the world” campaign, R92 511.60 has already been gifted to reach a R1 984 000 goal to bring comfort and joy to persecuted children like Bijli* (10) and their families, who experience persecution and discrimination for their faith in Jesus. All thanks to friends like you.
See the joy you helped bring to Bijli and her family through last year’s Christmas celebration for isolated Christians…
December is our last month to reach the R1 984 000 goal. By reaching this goal we want to not only bring comfort and joy to families like Bijli’s but also give them hope and a future by helping meet their long-term needs through biblical training, youth camps, marriage seminars, trauma care for believers of violent persecution, safe houses, emergency aid, and so much more.
If you are able to, please prayerfully consider joining believers in helping persecuted Christian children and families receive the protection, care and support they need to thrive in places like Bangladesh and beyond.
Gifts are allocated to where most urgently needed across the globe – thank you!