Dear partner of the persecuted Church
“I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which He is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us – yes, the many good things He has done for Israel, according to His compassion and many kindnesses.”
Isaiah 63:7
Looking back on the 50 years that Open Doors Southern Africa has been in existence, we can say confidently that this verse is indeed true in our history!
On 10 May 1971, a handful of South African church leaders met with Brother Andrew (founder of Open Doors International and author of God’s Smuggler) and formed Open Doors Southern Africa. Their promise to Brother Andrew was that they’ll spread the message of the persecuted Church in Southern Africa, and that they’ll support his work with prayers and finances.
It started small with one full-time staff member and only a few partners supporting the work. Today there are thousands of partners in Southern African involved with the most persecuted through prayers and support.
In the 30 years that I’ve had the privilege to be part of this organisation, I met many persecuted brothers and sisters who testified how our involvement is changing their lives and reassures them that they’re not alone. I’ve now run my race and will soon pass on the baton.
As I close this chapter of my life, I thank the Lord for how He has used Open Doors to change the lives of millions of persecuted Christians. And I thank you, our partners, sincerely for your love, prayers and support over these years. Your involvement is changing lives!
Together in His service
Jan Gouws
Executive Director
Open Doors Southern Africa
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