Dear partner of the persecuted Church,
Open Doors’ founder, Brother Andrew, made it clear throughout his ministry that we aren’t against anyone, we’re pro-Jesus. He also said that the word ISLAM is an acronym for I Sincerely Love All Muslims.
Our ministry in Islamic countries is based on this love. We strengthen the Church in these countries to reflect the love of Jesus in their countries. Our focus is to reach Christians and non-Christians. We do this by strengthening believers to be salt and light in their countries.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic and with Ramadan underway this month, Christians are doubly vulnerable to persecution and starvation. It’s important that we pray urgently, not only for our brothers and sisters in Christ, but also for Muslims. Christians face increasing pressure to return to Islam and are the last to be assisted during the pandemic, while Muslims are more open to the Gospel as they seek the truth.
May our Christian family be able to say like Paul in Philippians 4:10: “I’m glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess – happy that you’re again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me.” (MSG)
We need to get drawn into the spiritual battle with those who are fighting on the front lines of our faith, declaring the goodness of God to those who are lost, so that they too may come to know the hope we have in Christ Jesus.
Unite with us in prayer this month for our brothers and sisters in the Muslim World and Muslims as they observe Ramadan during this unprecedented time. Thank you for all your prayers and support!
Together in His service,
Jan Gouws
Executive Director
Open Doors Southern Africa
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