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Dear Friend of the persecuted Church,

Communism was meant to spread across the world. During the twentieth century, about one-third of the world’s population lived under Communist rule. But today, there are only five Communist states left – four of them being found in Asia and one in Latin America. These are North Korea, Vietnam, China, Laos and Cuba.

Some of my most memorable visits to persecuted believers have been in Communist Asia. Here, I met many heroes of the faith. One such man was Pastor Samuel Lamb who was imprisoned for 21 years because he wouldn’t stop spreading the Gospel.

On a visit to his house church, I asked Pastor Samuel if he ever felt lonely in prison, to which he replied:

“Yes, but I never felt alone.”

Another church leader in Vietnam, when he was visited by an Open Doors co-worker who’d brought several gifts for the church, commented:

“The greatest present to us is your being here. Now we know for sure that we’re not forgotten. We often feel lonely, but God is always with us. Your visit means more to us than the presents you brought. Thank you for coming.”

Friend, when you pray for, write to or support a persecuted believer, you help remind them that they are never alone.

As you read through this month’s Frontline Faith, I pray that you’ll be blessed as you see how you’re helping your persecuted brothers and sisters stand strong through your support. It’s a huge blessing to them knowing that you’re standing with them.

Thank you for partnering with us in advancing God’s Kingdom where faith costs the most!

Together in His service

Jan Gouws
Executive Director
Open Doors Southern Africa

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