You can support believers in East Africa on their journey of faith today
“The Lord added to their number daily those being saved” (Acts 2:47).
We know that the constant rise in Christian persecution is the result of faithful Gospel witness by our brave family of faith. Being faithful in the call of disciple-making comes at a cost but also with the reward of seeing the Lord adding to their number daily those being saved (Acts 2:47).
Those like Nala*, a Somali woman in her 20s.
Nala grew up wanting nothing more than an education. As in many East-African countries, Muslim women aren’t allowed to study anything other than the Quran. In secret, Nala saved up every penny of her pocket money to educate herself. It was during this time that she came across Somali Christians (outside the country) on the internet. She wanted to know more.
Her secret friends encouraged her to download and read the Bible, beginning her faith journey. Nala met other secret believers and was eventually baptised.
“Jesus had changed me. I realised that I didn’t choose Him, but He chose me. I didn’t go out looking for Him, but he found me,” Nala says.
She stayed with her new friends for a while, where she worked and studied the Bible. Her family had no idea. Or so she thought…
Somehow, they found out that she forsook Islam. What followed was beatings and all kinds of means to get Nala to return to Islam. She became depressed. Her sister had pity on her and told her to just pretend to return.
“And that is what I did. I would get up early for prayer but use the time to speak to Jesus,” she shares.
Things seemed to be going a bit better. That was until one day, out of nowhere, her family announced that she would be married off to a much older sheikh. Nala was horrified. Nala planned an escape, and with the help of friends, she went into hiding and miraculously was able to leave the country with only Jesus by her side. Most believers aren’t so lucky, and their fate is much worse.
Now having escaped, what is she to do? For now, Nala is safe, but her future seems unsure.
Her journey has only just started, and she has a long way to go. It is a journey that needs careful navigation. She needs discipleship and support in different parts of her life from people she can trust – people like you.
Can you give today to support believers In East Africa like Nala? They need our prayers and support to stand strong as they face severe persecution, often on their own.
By giving today you will be part of our vision to equip 15 000 believers in East Africa alone to share the Gospel with their neighbours and have the skills to disciple converts well. Ways your gift today can help:
Provide discipleship materials (R 103) Provide a Bible and biblical materials in digital formats (R 950), Help equip one persecuted believer in East Africa (R 1500), Provide emergency support to Believers from a Muslim Background (any amount).
*Name changed and illustrative image used for security reasons
In the case that this field of ministry becomes fully funded, your gift will be allocated to another project in the region where the need is great.