You’re helping Ethiopian Christians push back the darkness
At first glance, it looks like any ordinary schoolyard. But the dusty playground in this remote Ethiopian community is home to a miracle.
Today, Muslim and Christian children happily play together here – forging friendships that were once unimaginable.
Pastor Feyissa* explains how things used to be:
“Previously, persecution was common. Muslims didn’t even want us to step on [their] land. We Christians were only a few, and we were scared to move around town. We never went out at night. It was miserable. In those days at least one church member per day got attacked.”
The Christians here in this Muslim-dominated region of Ethiopia faced constant attacks – even against their children – and all kinds of social exclusion.
But today, thanks to friends like you, things have changed! Through your support, Open Doors has worked with the local church to provide a school, which has become a platform for interaction and engagement between the Christian and Muslim communities here.
Feyissa shares how you helped make his vision a reality:
“I asked Open Doors to support the school I had started for seven kindergarten students in our church compound. [They] agreed, and the numbers grew quickly.”
Today, this school serves as a bridge right into the heart of the once-hostile Muslim community, with half the school’s 800 students coming from Muslim homes.
“As more and more Muslims enrolled into the school, we frequently found opportunity to meet with the parents and develop better relationships with them. Now, we even counsel parents when they have family issues, and we have the opportunity to share the Gospel with them.
“[The] persecution [hasn’t] disappeared altogether, but now Christians often see Muslims come to their defence.”
The change that has taken place in this community is truly remarkable. And Feyissa is filled with gratitude…
“I want to acknowledge Open Doors on behalf of the church and the students. What was done is overwhelming. No one else has served us like Open Doors. I don’t know anyone else that works together with the church in spreading the Gospel as you do. God bless you…
“To all who pray for us and support us, I want to say: Let’s continue spreading the Gospel together. Let’s build the Kingdom of God. Let’s reach the people of this Muslim-dominant area for Christ.”
Take a further look at how your support has helped this community. Click here to watch “Ethiopian school bridges the gap”. And thank you again for your generosity to advance God’s Kingdom where faith costs the most.
*Name changed and representative image used for security reasons.