Thank you for giving persecuted Christians like Mario* a new chance at life!
Mario (now 16) grew up facing religious persecution every day. Socialist guerrillas in his remote Colombian town were constantly targeting people who spent time in church instead of fighting in the war.
Mario’s father, who was a pastor, continued to boldly preach the Gospel. But every day was another day where Mario could be taken away and forced to fight.
That’s when you stepped in to offer Mario a miracle.
Because of friends like you, a pastor from Open Doors’ support network was in the right place at the right time to offer a solution. Mario was able to leave his small town and seek a new life in an environment that would encourage his faith – at the Colombia Children Centre, a project of Open Doors.
He discovered a musical talent and a knack for solving problems. He became a reflection of God’s love by serving his community. Before long, Mario stood out as one of the most disciplined of all his fellow students, and today, despite all the odds, he is on his way to study at the university level.
In his graduation speech, Mario shared these heartfelt words:
“Although we arrived with very little, today we leave with a lot. Because here we were able to start again.”
Your support gives so many like Mario the chance to start again–to begin a new life in Christ, even in places where faith costs the most. So thank you.
And thank you for any gift you can give today to give more Christians a fresh start in Jesus!
Gifts are allocated to where most urgently needed across the globe – thank you!
*Name changed for security reasons