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Terrorists kidnapped their daughters, but parents say: ‘God has used you to change our story’

Boko Haram abducted more than 230 schoolgirls from the Nigerian town of Chibok four years ago. Today, more than 100 of those girls still remain captive. Their parents still grieve, wait, hope and pray to be reunited with them.

Falmata, one of the waiting mothers, pleaded with us to send friends like you this message: “Christians, join us in prayer so that our girls will be released safely, like the others that are [now] safe. We pray for them day and night. We can’t sleep…. Pray for us.”

Although the Chibok parents have been through deep waters, when 110 schoolgirls were abducted from the Nigerian town of Dapchi by Boko Haram this February, your support helped those parents find the strength to go and comfort the mostly Muslim parents in distress.

“We wanted to go there, sit, listen and talk to one another. Share with them our experience in managing life as traumatised parents whose daughters [are] still in Boko Haram’s hands,” Yana, leader of the Chibok mothers, told local media.

Your prayers and words of encouragement have strengthened the Chibok parents, like Yakubu (pictured here), during one of the darkest times in their lives. Thank you!

Thankfully, most of the Dapchi parents’ hopes were fulfilled when Boko Haram released their daughters in March. Despite some of the Chibok parents being reunited with their daughters, Yakubu Nkeki Maina, spokesperson for the Chibok parents, whose daughter was also released, said:

“Though some of our daughters are back, we can’t celebrate their return in the presence of our colleagues whose daughters are still missing…. We must bear the cross together and keep the faith and hope that God [will] give us a reason to celebrate together when all the daughters are back.”

Thankfully, through your support and that of Open Doors’ local partners, over the past four years these grieving parents were able to attend trauma programmes and receive financial support for medication and food. They’re so grateful for your prayers and for the words of encouragement many friends like you have written to strengthen them.

“We’ve seen the result of your prayers. God has used you to change our story. Your letters have been our closest companions. When we feel like we’re finished, we draw new strength from your words. We are eternally grateful. God will bless you richly!” said Yakubu.

You’ve helped make a tremendous difference in the lives of these parents. But they’re still in need of your prayers and encouragement as they await the return of all their precious girls. Thank you for rallying around them through your support!

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