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It has been five years since Damaris Kioko’s husband, Jackson Kioko, was brutally murdered for evangelising in Kenya – just a week after they got married. Today, we praise the Lord because in July 2017, Damaris married Steve, her second husband!

“It has been a hard time for me, but God strengthened and carried me in His hands. He gave me friends who prayed and encouraged me from all over the world. I’ve been encouraged and strengthened, and my faith is now stronger and greater than it was,” Damaris said.

Your prayers and words of encouragement helped Damaris in one of the darkest times in her life. Now, she has started her own ministry of encouragement through music. And she released her second album, Kwango Kingine (New Level).

As she starts a new chapter in her life with Steve, Damaris has asked that we pray they’ll have a happy, prosperous and long-lasting marriage. And that God will bless them with children who will know Him at an early age, and live for Him all their lives.

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