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Christians in the Middle East need more than physical protection to return home safely

As Islamic State forces are pushed back and more areas declared “safe”, Syrians are starting to return to their homes. Sadly, an estimated 6.3 million people remain internally displaced across Syria, after more than six years of war, while a further 5 million are refugees in neighbouring countries.

Most of those who choose to return, will find their houses severely damaged and the local infrastructure destroyed. Apart from rebuilding their lives, from scratch in many instances, Christians and other minorities from Syria, require more than just safety from Islamic State, the Syrian army or other militant groups.

According to a proposal by Open Doors, and other Christian charities, a “national accountability mechanism” needs to be established to deal with religious and ethnic persecution and discrimination in both Iraq and Syria. This is to ensure that all religious and ethnic communities are given equal rights in these countries.

Please pray that as Christians and other minorities move back to Iraq and Syria to rebuild, steps will be taken to protect their rights as citizens, for them to live without fear, persecution, and discrimination.

You can also help give a voice to our brothers and sisters in Iraq and Syria by adding your voice to our One Million Voices of Hope Petition below! #MillionVoices

Source: World Watch Monitor, Security not only concern for Syrians returning home, 4 July 2017.

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