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World Watch List 2024 Campaign

“And on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”
Matthew 16:18

The annual release of the WWL could very well bring on a feeling of defeat for Christians around the world. Each year, the data shows that more and more of our brothers and sisters live under risk and duress simply because they follow Jesus. It can be difficult to see where God is still at work – if nothing changes, is our hope in vain?

In these moments, we must cling to the promises of Jesus in Matthew 16:18 – the promise that nothing will ever overcome the Church of God, even if it’s the gates of hell and death. Jesus’ words ought to push us to look deeper. And when we do, what do we see?

We see, through the stories of believers like Ji Ho* from North Korea (featured in our special WWL newsletter), how God is at work even in the darkest places.


It’s easy to sum up Open Doors’ vision because it’s been the same since 1955: “Strengthen what remains and is about to die.” Our goal is to help the Church flourish and live for Jesus where it faces the most extreme persecution. In every World Watch List country, Open Doors works to make sure Christians know they aren’t alone.


Open Doors is on the ground through partners (or, in rare cases, as itself) around the world, doing everything from Bible distribution to socio-economic development relief and leadership training. We are driven by the needs of our persecuted family in Christ, and so our work is as varied as the needs of the Body.


You can stand with our persecuted family in one of three ways:

The World Watch List not only helps inform how and where we support persecuted Christians worldwide, but it also
creates awareness for our persecuted family of faith.

Fill in the below form to download the map and top 50 prayer calendar to pray for those countries on the World Watch List.

Watch the 2024 World Watch List video to view the latest top 50 and hear some interesting trends that are impacting our family of faith.


North Korea is the most dangerous place in the world to follow Jesus, according to the 2024 World Watch List. Owning a Bible can be a death sentence.

But even in the darkest places, God cannot be silenced.

Our family living in countries with the most extreme persecution (like Somalia, Libya, Eritrea and Yemen) urgently need your support and prayers.

Will you help Christians survive in the darkest places on earth?

R250 helps an isolated believer hear God speak through a regular radio broadcast.

R1 050 provides a food package to the most persecuted believers to keep them alive.

R1 600 trains a Christian to withstand persecution in one of the world’s darkest places.

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