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Discipleship programs are leaving an impact on young believers | Malaysia (slegs in Engels)

In recent years, local partners have been active in working with the youth on the eastern…

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The World Cup in Qatar: Believers golden opportunity! (Slegs in Engels)

Qatar, a country known for its wealth and monarchy, has been in the spotlight in the…

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GEBEDSFLITS | Bid vir Iran terwyl die betogings aanhou

Betogings is al vir meer as ʼn maand in Iran aan die gang ná die dood…

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Iran in turmoil: What will happen to the Church in Iran if the country opens up? (slegs in engels)

Women burning their headscarves on the street, crowds screaming ‘death to the dictator’ and upheaval in…

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Vietnamese church leaders and workers arrested for believing in God | #Vietnam (slegs in engels)

Three church leaders and siblings, Hung*, Long*, and Viet*, belonging to the Hmong tribe, were arrested…

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‘n Brief van Jan Gouws

Beste Vriend/in van die vervolgde Kerk, Broer Andrew het op ʼn keer gesê, “Wanneer ons enige…

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